I must stop tilting
BlizzY, Jan 20 2008
Hi guys, this will be very quick because I just finished ~8 hour session and I can barely see the monitor. I managed to drop $2500 in the morning in about 500 hands and it was just pure monkey tilt. So I decided to win it back by hardcore grind and I succeeded despite Jokerstars trying to stop me
here is the graph

I decided I would stop with hand 7000 no matter what because I was getting tired, (4.30 AM here) and after I checked sit out next blind on every table, Lee decided to give me present and gave me AA and set on 2 tables so I actually ended up $43 
thank you santa !
BlizzY, Dec 25 2007
this is the kind of session I would like to have every week at least every hand held up, just a couple of suckouts. I wasn't running extremly hot, I just got paid off with my big hands which seemed impossible this month. I could definitely get used to this 

Also Merry Christmas everyone and also Happy new Year in case this is my last blog post this year 
decent grind
BlizzY, Dec 18 2007
So couple of days ago I tried yet another shot at NL400 and failed terribly.... lost something around $1500 in about 400 hands :/
So after that I decided to try NL100 after long time, just to relax and see the difference between my regular limit NL200... I can say the level of competition there is a lot lower and I found out that it is quite profitable to play just ABC and 18-table I didn't do that before and my usual # of tables on NL200 is 8-9.... So I think I can beat it for decent bb/100 and get little more FPPs (I am about 1000 VPPs from completing 300k milestone).
here are my stats from todays session

Decided to also play some HU vs fish opponent who played 64/4/0.7 and I pretty much demolished him... You can see that my stats are pretty unusual on that HU session, but that guy was totally predictable and exploitable, and this style seemed to work best. I was valuebeting very thin and bluffing him constantly and he couldn't addapt, he just started to call me down even lighter... Here are some hands from HU
also nice hold from 6-max
Also my semester ended today, there will be exams in January so I will have more time to play until then which is good
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